SFM Certification Assistance Consultant


Certification of Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Scheme of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is a forum for various stakeholders (multi-stakeholders), which aims at promoting the way of production, procurement, and sustainable use of forest products.

The application aims to increase awareness on the importance of consuming sustainable forest products, take care of commitment to conserve natural resources and the environment.

SFM-FSC is expected can contribute in performance improvement, competitiveness, and forest product sustainability in the world. SFM-FSC certificate is targeted to be marketing leverage for forest products in Indonesia.

Through SFM-FSC certification program is also expected to be obtained data and information that corresponding with SFM-FSC requirements in Community Forests as consideration to determine sustainability forest status based on SFM-FSC scheme. Therefore SFM-FSC program is an instrument in enforcing commitments sustainability of forest resources.

Community Forests is understood as an effort to manage forest areas with low intensity. In FSC terms is called a small and low intensity managed forest (SLIMF) with maximum individual ownership of 100 hectares.

FM-FSC Certification Program will be implemented based on a system / mechanism, criteria and indicators that will be determined by FSC as a voluntary provision for HR permit holders. The SFM-FSC performance of a forestry business license is based on 3 criteria, including: 1) Production and Chain of Custody; 2) Ecology; and 3) Social. Each criterion consists of principles and indicators that must be met in carrying out forest exploitation activities.


Services Forms

To assistant forestry entrepreneurs that interested in the achievement of HR management performance, KEBI provides a choice of consulting program services, such as:

1)      Gap Analysis

Provided for organizations that want to get information about the initial conditions of HR performance against the fulfillment of SFM-FSC principles and indicators.

2)      Consultation Process

Provided for HR enterprise who want get recognition in the form of SFM-FSC certification through consulting assistance program.


Overall, consultancy program services are offered by KEBI, such as:


This program is given for the initial phase of consultation with knowing the initial conditions intention (gap analysis) of management performance and comparing with the requirements of the SFM-FSC.

Stages of this gap analysis program include:


Comprehension training is intended to provide a basis for understanding and complete understanding of the SFM-FSC requirements and strategies for achieving them with a management system approach.

Training materials :

  • SFM-FSC Background*
  • SFM-FSC Principles and Criteria understanding*
  • SFM-FSC documentation system
  • SFM-FSC System Certification

Noted: *) is the material that is provided if scoping visit is separate from the overall consulting activity.


Gap Analysis aims to:

  1. Knowing HR business unit performance in order to face certification by FSC Certification Agency,
  2. Provide recommendations for corrective actions from Scoping Visit results,
  3. To adjust with SFM-FSC Principles, Criteria, and Indicators.

Gap Analysis is an initial process that must be carried out to obtain information on business unit’s performance condition compared to up-to-date SFM-FSC requirements and which need to be followed up for improvement.

Data that is identified and evaluated include data for the last 5 years using secondary data testing methods and testing primary data compared to SFM-FSC requirements.

Gap analysis activity stages include:

  1. Organization documents test (data verification),
  2. Collecting physical field data (field verification),
  3. Drawing conclusions on SFM-FSC certification readiness (data analysis),
  4. Recommendations and follow-up.

Gap Analysis activities can be given separately and become an alternative choice for organizations to find out management initial conditions before deciding on a further SFM-FSC implementation program.

Training and Gap Analysis activities were fully carried out by KEBI Consultant Team.


Work in this stage is the stage of SFM-FSC fulfilling requirements through consulting activities.

Consultation stages as follows:

  1. Preparation draft of performance improvement policy to achieve SFM-FSC requirements.
  2. Preparation performance achievement program according to SFM-FSC requirements:
    • Preparation of management work programs to achieve predetermined goals and performance targets.
  3. Documentation preparation :
    • Manuals, procedures and work operational work instructions along with work instructions and other supporting documents related to production / COC, environmental and socio-economic aspects.
    • Other procedures to comply with management system standard requirements as required by the SFM-FSC.
    • Other documents in form of documents or forms for recording HR management activities results that must be prepared as evidence for the SFM-FSC certification process.


In this stage:

  1. Evaluation of documentation system development for achieving performance in accordance with SFM-FSC requirements which was carried out at 2nd consultancy stage.
  2. Operational technical guidance for the achievement of SFM-FSC Activities Program.
  3. Guidance on implementation according to Documentation System (Manual, Work Procedure, Work Instructions and Forms) or regulatory requirements and SFM-FSC requirements (including facilities and infrastructure) as a whole.


In this stage:

  1. Internal audit training in order to get prospective internal auditors.
  2. Guidance on internal audit implementation.
  3. Internal audit follow-up guidance.


Evaluation is carried out to see management unit final readiness level to be certified after carrying out the entire program and has implemented a Documentation System (work procedures, work instructions, forms) which are entirely in accordance with SFM-FSC requirements.

Evaluation is carried out in the form of:

  • Evaluation of document completeness and field conditions.
  • Evaluation performance development according to predetermined program.
  • All human resources readiness in understanding SFM-FSC to support interview process with external assessor.
  • Corrective action that needs to be taken for any deficiencies that are still found.

Consultant will assist in analyzing assessment report (audit) from SFM-FSC certification institution auditor which is appointed, in order to determine corrective actions types to correct non-conformities with SFM-FSC requirements that were found during audit.


KEBI consultant will not only act as a facilitator (mentor, director, and trainer) and an internal teamwork partner in the system building process, KEBI will also



(in this case is limited to SOPs, which are requested under SFM-FSC, if required detailed technical work instructions are prepared by the organization team) that’s required/necessary in system implementation.

This type of service is commonly called:

Package: Crash Program / Tailormade

This method is to speed up the system setup process (especially in terms of documentation) and time efficiency which is required by an internal team. Fully implementation remains internal organization responsibility.

Important notes package options Crash Program / Tailormade: 

Scoping visit activity, will be the basis of subsequent process information and so far (in the proposal) is assumed to have not been deemed necessary to put specialized personnel consultant for site activities management. 

To achieve implementation targets, the organization is expected to ensure:

a.       Organizational data provision in every process and activity related to SFM requirements that are prepared completely. Information is obtained will be used in the consultancy process, especially document preparation.

b.      Provide sufficient time for personnel who will be involved during consultancy and implementation, especially those who will be appointed as team (counterpart) who always communicate with Consultant Team. Especially at document preparation stage.

c.       Implement compliance with the requirements of the SFM-FSC appropriately and consistently, including the possible needs for increasing human resources, provision of facilities/equipment, and other facilities

d.      Responsible independently (not consultant responsibility)to implement a system that has been prepared and prepare activities evidence there is sufficient system implementation evidence since the system was officially implemented. 

Organization and all personnel (especially counterparts) must make maximum efforts within the agreed deadline to become this program target.



Consulting services scope which is offered to the client includes consulting activities for:

a.       Head Office, branch office (if any), and liaison office (if any).

b.      1 (one) HR business unit in one location in this case in 6 (six) District in South Bangka districts, Bangka Belitung province covering 26.050 hectares area.

c.       If there is a management unit which is separated (outside above location), consultancy and implementation activities are only concentrated in one management unit, activities in other management unit are organization team responsibility.

NOT INCLUDED in this proposal:

1.       Certification activities (audits) which is done by SFM-FSC certification institution.

2.       If appropriate, additional activities that must be done by other institutions, for example licensing, land mapping, conservation studies (HCV / HCV), Social (SIA), AMDAL / UKL-UPL, technical personnel training and provision, personnel additional work provision, facilities and infrastructure construction, etc.

Time and Cost

The time which is required for Cash Program Package implementation (tailormade) is 9 (nine) months with total workdays are 546 days.


Fees that are offered DO NOT INCLUDE:

1)      Plane, local, and consultant accommodation during in trip and activities location,

2)      VAT and PPh 23.


Time consultancy is the normal time which may be enough to prepare the organization until ready certified without considering their support activities specifically requiring implementation time may be longer than time consultancy (eg HCV, SIA, EIA study administration, permitting, GIS and map products preparation, infrastructure preparation).

Basically, organization management can choose consulting program service and/or consulting activities stage which is appropriate with necessity and resources that is owned. Time schedule and prices will be adjusted depending on activities specifications and consultant role that is agreed.

Activities cost will be delivered if activities specifications have been agreed.


A working mechanism, organizational structure, and consultant team implementing consultancy program are prepared in such a way that they are able to create an effective and efficient working mechanism, and are able to achieve the set targets which in turn give satisfaction to all parties.

Organizational structure, which is formed, is as shown in the following figure:


Indonesian Biomass Energy Cooperative, based on professional capabilities, believes that can provide the best service for client organizations.

Finally, hopefully what is our hope will receive the grace of God Almighty and can achieve the target as expected.