Gedung Sandipura Lantai Dasar Jalan KH. Abdullah Syafei Nomor 19 RT.012 RW.009, Kelurahan Bukit Duri, Kecamatan Tebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12840
Indonesian Biomass Energy Cooperative provides advisory services/training on Chain of Custody (COC) for forest products. This training must be carried out and followed by all of the wood-based forest product processing industry, both of sawmill industry and wood waste processing industry so that the products, which are produced, can be traded legally and can be accepted by export destination countries or import countries with product certification requirements as set out in Standard Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) COC Certification.
To obtain forest products that have been certified FSC/PEFC COC, Industry which applies for FSC/PEFC COC certification, firstly must attend the training that is held by KEBI consultant team, who will assist and prepare all of activities for each stage of assessment that will be undertaken by Certification Applicant COC prior to assessment/audit COC certification institution both of FSC or PEFC.
In COC Certification Process is divided into 2 (two) activities, such as:
1. Activity Pre Assessment, is carried out by COC consultant which is appointed by COC Applicant, before audit/assessment by certification institution includes:
- Awareness training for 2 (two) days, which ware attended by Representatives of Management, Purchasing, Warehouse, PPIC, HRD, Production, Marketing & Sales, Admin, with agenda for the first day is Awareness material and the second day is FSC COC Standard material,
- Document creation implementation such as Control System and SOP Manual,
- SOP’s application and implementation in field,
- Making a Material Balance such as Wood Mutation Report or volume control,
- COC (Chain of Custody) compilation or tracking information on wood/raw materials.
2. Activity Main Assessment/Audit, is carried out by certification institution which is decided by COC certification applicant himself.
After participated in COC training and the assessment/audit result is passed, the applicant will get a COC certificate which is issued by Certification Institution (FSC/PEFC) and Surveillance (observation/supervision) will be carried out every year and comply with the applicable COC provisions